Çıkış Tarihi / Debut: 15 Mart 2012 / March 15 2012
Şirket / Company: Pledis Entertainment
New East (NU'EST): N (New - Yeni), E (Established - Sabit),
Style (Stil) ve Tempo kelimelerinin birleşmesiyle oluşan bir isimdir.
Grup beş kişidir. Biz onları Pledis Boys ve After School Boys olarak tanıdık.
Müzik endüstirisinde yeni bir stil yaratmak istemektedirler.
Grup üyeleri After School promo videosu ''Love Letter'' ve New Balance'in
reklamında oynamıştır. Grup tahmini olarak EXO ve B.A.P gruplarıyla aynı anda
çıkış yapacak. Grup Avrupa'ya yakın bir stilde olacaktır.
Üyeler / Members
-Ren: Maknae
Pledis Entertainment is ready to debut their five member boy group New East
New East (NU’EST) stands for: N (new), E (established), Style and Tempo.
A powerful group name needs strong members and with the groups plans to
“a new style to the music industry” along with their outstanding skills it seems
like a perfect fit.
Prior to their official debut the members of New East (NU’EST) appeared in a
New Balance commercial and alongside their label mates After School
the song “Love Letter” this past December.
It seems rookie boy groups will be starting the KPop year off with other boy
such as EXO and B.A.P set to debut soon. New East (NU’EST) will debut with
a new and stylish concept with their first vintage European-style teaser in February.
JR (Junior Royal - Lider)
Gerçek İsim / Real Name: Kim Jonghyun (김종현)
Doğum Tarihi / Birth Date: 8 Haziran 1995 / June 8 1995
Gruptaki Yeri / Position: Lider, Rapçi, Dansçı / Leader, Rapper,
Boy / Height: 176 cm
Kilo / Weight: 58 kg
Orange Caramel'in Bangkok City klibinde Lizzy'nin erkek arkadaşını oynamıştır.
Ayrıca UEE'nin SokSokSok şarkısı için rap söylemiştir. After School Blue'nun
Wonder Boy klibi ve performanslarında dansçı olarak bulunmuş, New Balance reklamında oynamıştır.
Also known as “Bangkok City Boy” as he was featured in Orange Caramel’s
“Bangkok City” as Lizzy’s Boyfriend, he then later returned as the rapper for
After School’s UEE’s Debut song “SokSokSok” and he’s also a back up dancer
After School Blue’s Wonder Boy and appeared on both AS Blue’s MV and Live
perfs. JR is also the male lead and model for the CF “New Balance” with Lizzy
as the female lead.
Gerçek İsmi / Real Name: Hwang Min Hyun (황민휸)
Doğum Yılı / Birth Date: 9 Agustos 1994 / August 9 1994
Gruptaki Yeri / Position: Ana Vokal / Main Vocals
Boy / Height: 183 cm
Kilo / Weight: 65 kg
After School Blue'nun Wonder Boy klibi ve performanslarında dansçı olmuştur.
Orange Caramel Shanghai Romance klibinde oynamıştır. ( O zamandan beri
göz hapsimde kendisi.) New Balance reklamında oynamıştır.
A back up dancer for After School Blue’s Wonder Boy and was featured in both
music videos and live perfs for the girls, but he gained more attention after he took
the lead role for Orange Caramel’s Music Video “Shanghai Romance”. gaining the nickname “Shanghai Boy“. he’s also in the “New Balance” CF with After School
Aron / Aaron
Gerçek İsim / Real Name: Aaron Kwak (아론콱)
Doğum Tarihi / Birth Date: 21 Mayıs 1993 / May 13 1993
Doğum Yeri / HomeTown: Los Angeles - Amerika / L.A - U.S.A
Boy / Height: 175 cm
Kilo / Weight: 57 kg
Los Angeles'ta doğmuştur. After School Blue'nun Wonder Boy klibinde ve performanslarında dansçı olarak bulunmuştur.
The Korean-American member born and raised in L.A. California, he’s also one
the Back up dancer for After School Blue’s Wonder Boy and appeared on both
AS Blue’s MV and Live perfs. he’s also said to be the Male counterpart of Bekah
as they were both from the U.S.
Gerçek İsim / Real Name: Gang Dong Ho (강동호)
Doğum Tarihi / Birth Date: 21 Temmuz 1995 / July 21 1995
Boy / Height: 178 cm
Kilo / Weight: 63 kg
Gruptaki Yeri / Position: Ana Vokal / Main Vocals
Üyeler arasında ''Gözleri Gülen Prens'' lakabıyla ünlüdür. After School'un Play
Ur Love klibinde oynamıştır. Fanlar onu “Play Ur Love Boy'' olarak çağırmaya başlamıştır.
One of the popular members in the group as he is labeled “Eye smile Prince”.
Dongho was featured in After School’s Music Video for “Play Ur Love” as Raina
Nana Jung-A and Kahi’s Boyfriend. and became a topic of interest for netizens.
fans started calling him “Play Ur Love Boy” as his name was not yet revealed back
Gerçek İsmi / Real Name: Choi Min Ki (최민기)
Doğum Tarihi / Birth Date: 3 Kasim 1995 / November 3 1995
Boy / Height: 179 cm
Kilo / Weight: 56
Gruptaki Yeri / Position: Maknae, Dansçı / Maknae, Dancer
After School Blue'nun Wonder Boy klibi ve performanslarınde dansçı olmuştur.
New Balance reklamında oynamıştır. Grubun Maknaesidir.
A back up dancer for After School Blue’s Wonder Boy and just like Minhyun,
he was featured in the MV and Live perfs. Len was also in the “New Balance”
CF with Lizzy. Ren is said to be the Maknae of the group.
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